Know your cup of coffee before your sip!

Coffee is like a blessing to mankind in the form of a beverage. It’s almost like the only legal drug we all need to start our mornings with. Those of us who love coffee already know how addictive the aroma is and it almost fills our souls in a single sniff. When the coffee plants are in full bloom, it takes on the entire surroundings with its astounding fragrance, making people yearn for a cup even more than ever. Adding to it, when the fruit ripens finally, the mélange of their colour is an absolute sight to behold!
We all have different tastes when it comes to this very beverage - some go for black and strong, some like it mild. But do we know how our favourite gift came to exist? Well, let us update you with some bits and pieces about it! Indulge in gaining an in-depth knowledge of coffee cultivation with Sixth Element’s amazing coffee plantation tour that provides you with an opportunity to witness the complete journey of coffee right from the seed till they are packed and ready to adorn your mug.

The history of coffee in India dates back to the 17th century which is almost 400 years up the line. It is believed that coffee was introduced by a traveller named Baba Budan who took a pilgrim to visit the holy places of Islam. He carried the seven magical beans from Yemen and planted them in the Chandragiri hills of Karnataka. Till today, it is not known who exactly brought the coffee into existence. Some believe it was originated by the Malnad farmers while some choose to stick to the belief that it came from Ethiopia or the Arab Dhows. The coffee estate was established in the year 1854 by an Englishman named John Flower who took a lot of interest in the welfare of growing coffee and soon every family in Coorg expressed interest in growing the brew.
The mountains of Coorg are associated with the exotic aroma that unfolds with every step of yours. Initially, coffee used to be cultivated there for people’s own benefits. The farmers used to look after their productions as their own creations, raising them in their own backyard. But gradually the commercial side to it came into existence when they started exporting these two types to other far-away countries as well. Coffee is produced in other regions as well, but Coorg stands out among them all due to its monsoon-fed productions, grown under the shades of huge Jackfruit, Rose-wood or wild Fig trees.
Coorg is the leading producer of coffee in India with an estimated amount of 1,30,000 tons of coffee in a single year which comprises around 40% of the total production in India and approximately 70% of the Indian bulk exported to the European Markets. It produces two kinds of Coffee, namely Arabica and Robusta - them being the world’s best coffee and is one of the historical areas of coffee production.
Step into Sixth Element restaurant for the ultimate “crop to cup” experience. Brewed from the coffee beans grown on the local estates, you can enjoy a fine cup of the invigorating Robusta or the aromatic Arabica blend with a lavish spread anytime during the day. Situated in a picturesque location, this restaurant does not disappoint when you’re out to have some fun with friends or loved ones. Feel the magical touch of the labourers brewing at Sixth Element! There is no better place than here to stop for a luxurious caffeinated experience.


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